Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!

I have met the six-fingered man! The only thing was that instead of having a whole extra finger beside the pinky finger like Count Rugen, this guy's thumb was split in two! Weird!


Noelle said...

haha i'm sorry, what?! can you explain this.

oh and yes, i agree dollar raises would be lovely.

paige said...

The Princess Bride is my most favorite book. I've read it like, 8 times. I heard these raves about the movie and its infinite goodness, but I almost cried when I saw it. It's nothing compared to the wonderfulness of the book!

Hector Chavez said...

i remember seeing a man with six fingers when i was a kid. he had a tiny extra thumb.

Noelle said...

Haha, I meant can you explain the split in two thumb.

and yes I recall the chicken nuggets. mmm i love the white =)

but yeah, i'll have to check out that movie too!